Wednesday 19 December 2007

ANC... Zuma wins

My people, yes oh, I have been following this news in the last few days and it was announced yesterday that Zuma is the new ANC party leader. Of course, it is a fascinating story, ‘cos he was the former vice president, under Mbeki and was fired ‘cos of the corruption allegations and a rape charge. He is likely to become the next South African president. I need South Africans to explain to me what he was elected; apart from the fact that he is charismatic and he connects with the heart of the people. I am watching this space and keeping my eyes firmly on South Africa’s democracy, ‘cos it is the beacon of hope for the rest of Africa on governance.

Lets get into the festive mood, I have a lot to me thankful for, as this year comes to an end and I am counting my blessing one by one.

I am thankful…

I am thankful for my marriage, my hubby. It is our 1st year anniversary soon and we are growing stronger and both enjoying our marriage
I am thankful for my hubby, he got himself a wonderful job and I believe that God is moving him to new heights in his career and opening doors for him.
I am thankful for my sisters and my mum. Mum is 50 this year; my sister will be adding another beautiful to the family in few months. The other will be graduating in a year.
I am thankful for my health; I had a slight scare, with it turned out to be nothing that an exercise and gym will not take care of.
I am thankful for my friends, I have made new ones, some got married this year, had babies, some got new and exciting jobs and some went back to school.
I am thankful for my friend that died this year, ‘cos I know that he has gone to a better place and left the pains of this world
I am thankful for my job, I love it, and it is opening more opportunities for me to do new things and moving me into bigger things and interests.
I am thankful that I have not been broke this year; no credit cards or loans and I have invested at home and aboard.
I am thankful, that I have given something back into my home country. I am working together with some wonderful people to donate to less privilege children in Nigeria.
I am thankful that I have finally started my business in my home country, made wonderful business contacts, made profit and building on the successes for next year.
I am thankful for my career progressions, the professional exams I passed this year, the ones I have in the pipeline.
I am thankful that a new year is approaching, with many opportunities that have my name on it.

Role model for other people

Last night, I had dinner with one of my best friends; we grew apart about 2 years ago. I had been thinking about our friendship for the last six months and trying to understand what went wrong. Anyway, I sent her an offline message on face book (thanks for facebook oh) and we met up to talk about things. What she said shocked me, she said it all started when I moved in with my boyfriend, now hubby 2 years ago and she was very disappointed, ‘cos I was like a sister to her and a kind of role model(did not use these exact words). She was very shocked, ‘cos of our similar Christian and moral beliefs. After she said this, I was also disappointed in myself, ‘cos I have never really thought of myself as a role model to anyone and what the responsibility are, when seen as one by others. It really got me thinking of things I take for granted… my life and the decisions I make, always believing that it is my own to make and not thinking about the effect it will have on those close to me. So I ask you, what are the responsibilities of a role model, to other?

P.S: I really don’t have this blog so that I can get comments, which will be great as well, but this is an online diary for me, to capture my thoughts and maybe in the process use it to improve my writing skills!

I am loving it! playing with colours today


Hephzibah said...

Mainly, to always leave a positive impact on others,
To live our lives that others will aspire to emulate us.
A close friend recently forwarded some messages to me- thank you notes she had received from various people for her impact/presence in their lives this year, this challenged me because normally I 'shelve' anyone that his/her lifestyle does not mirror mine but I have learnt from her how I can make a contribution to these peopla through my actions, words, or even way of life because people are always watching you, they are mindful of the decision(s) one makes.

Aspiring nigerian woman said...

well said, but inspiring to others expectations is a very diffcult cross to carry.

Anonymous said...

That's why I believe it's important not to place too many expectations on role models. With my role models, I learn from their good qualities and try not to be too disappointed when they mess up (in my eyes).

Aspiring nigerian woman said...

I guess you are right. but what happens if you are the role model? How much pressure would you put on yourself to live up to the expectations of others? Sometimes it is the expectations of family