Friday, 23 November 2007

Yaradua move on...

OK guys, I don't have a problem with Yaradua, trying to undo the wrongs of Obasanjo, what I have a problem is Yaradua, spending the last 6months of a 4yrears mandate undoing all the wrongs of Obasanjo. Is the bakassi issue with Cameroon really a priority? When Obasanjo was in government, with the agreement of his government (which hopefully consulted all relevant stakeholders), a decisionw as made; Cameroun could have the disputed territory. Now Yaradua, has decided otherwise, saying it did not follow the right process. He now wants to take it through the senate house, has this man forgotten that these were the same people in government when Obasanjo was there? Yaradua's legacy should not be undoing what Obasanjo did, he should focus more on what really affects the common man. Sort out unemployment, bad roads, education, power etc. Our current oil resources should be able to give us these. Who is going to remember for giving us bakassi back?

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