Tuesday 1 April 2008

Zimbabwe... will change come?

A new Zimbabwe?
Zimbabweans and the rest of the world are anxiously waiting for the recent election results. Is there going to be a change? Will Zimbabweans stand up to the 28years rule of the only president they have ever known? Will the fallen lion of Africa step aside and let the voice of the people prevail? What becomes of a generation that has only known one president and one ruler?

My 2kobo;
Change is a necessity and the only guarantee of hope and a better tomorrow in any democratic society, where the will of the people is allowed to oil the wheels of democracy.

I join my faith with the people of Zimbabwe and say change will come. 'the pharoah and Egypt we see yesterday, we shall see no more"


Unknown said...

Old things have passed away
ALl things have become new

doll (retired blogger) said...

i hope so as well....they need the change badly

Ms. Catwalq said...

men, the guy gats to go. Haba! how long do you want to remain in power? he has past his effective date....

Might I ask why you are an "aspiring Nigerian woman"?